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Bulkheads SLIP x FPT


Custom installations are easier and safer with all parts included in this convenient Bulkhead. Great quality. Make sure you check the sizing so you get the right fit.

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Bulkheads SLIP x FPT

How the Bulkhead SLIP x  FPT works:

Bulkheads are used to create a waterproof connection through grow beds or fish tanks.  This is a custom poly-injection formed flood and drain fittings to fit the needs of aquaponic grow bed watering requirements.  Bulkhead fittings are identified by the size of the pipe it connects to, not the hole size.  The hole size will be specified in the description for each bulkhead fitting. When we describe the bulkhead fitting, the first designation is the flange side and the second is the back side. ie, slip x fpt (female npt) means the flange side has a slip socket and the back side would have a female pipe thread.  Again, size always represents the pipe size that fits the bulk head, not the hole size.

Product Details: 

  • Slip fitting on the flange side and threaded fittings on end for easy, screw-in pipe insertion
  • Custom poly-injection formed flood and drain fittings to fit the needs of aquaponic grow bed watering requirements.
  • Gasket for a tight seal

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