How Do I Pollinate Indoor Plants?

tomatoes in aquabundance media beds mhcdYou actually only need to worry about pollination if you are either growing plants for their fruits and vegetables, or your are saving the seeds from your plants. If you are doing either of these, then you will need to understand which pollination […]

How Do I Pollinate Indoor Plants?2024-11-26T10:39:51-07:00

How Many Aquaponic Plants Can I Grow?

That depends on the type of plant you are growing, but in general you can plant about twice as densely in aquaponics as you can in a traditional soil-based garden. This is because your aquaponics plants are getting exactly what they need at the root zone (nutrients, water, oxygen) so the plant doesn’t need to […]

How Many Aquaponic Plants Can I Grow?2024-11-26T10:45:18-07:00

Can I Plant In My System Right Away?

Yes, in fact, we recommend that you do in order for your aquaponic plants to become established so that they are ready to take up nitrates when bacteria cycling is complete and you have added fish to your system. We also highly recommend adding Maxicrop (or in Australia, this product is called Seasol) to […]

Can I Plant In My System Right Away?2024-11-26T11:01:55-07:00

Can I Directly Sow Seeds Into My Aquaponic System?

We do not recommend this method. In general, any small seeds that you would sow directly into your media-based aquaponics system run the risk of being carried away by the flow of your water through the pipes. We have found that larger seeds that you would directly sow in soil (for example, beans, peas, cucumbers) […]

Can I Directly Sow Seeds Into My Aquaponic System?2024-11-26T10:53:36-07:00

Can I Use Potted Plants/Seedlings Started In Dirt?

pepper plant in soilAbsolutely! If you’re transplanting from soil, be sure to wash off as much of the dirt as possible and inspect your plants closely for insects before adding a store-bought plant to your system.

If you’re adding a soil-filled potted plant to a media bed, be sure […]

Can I Use Potted Plants/Seedlings Started In Dirt?2024-11-26T10:59:02-07:00

What Plants Can I Grow In Aquaponics?

We like to say “anything that grows up grows well in aquaponics”, although that does have a few caveats.  Acidic pH loving plants like blueberries won’t grow well in an aquaponic system because the fish could not tolerate the level of acidity that those plants require.  Also, deep-rooted crops such as corn or wheat likely […]

What Plants Can I Grow In Aquaponics?2024-11-25T14:40:04-07:00

When Do I Add Plants?

We recommend adding plants as soon as you have started the aquaponic cycling process. Getting your plants in early gives them time to put down new roots and establish themselves before the fish are introduced and nitrates need to be absorbed. We highly recommend adding MaxiCrop soluble seaweed powder to your […]

When Do I Add Plants?2024-11-25T14:40:17-07:00
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