Aquaponic Greenhouse Considerations

If you’re starting from scratch and are considering using a greenhouse for aquaponics, we have some resources for you.

First check out our free Aquaponic Greenhouse Design Considerations video that was presented at the 2020 Aquaponics Association Annual conference by JD. This can be found on our Video Resources Page.

We also have a detailed

Aquaponic Greenhouse Considerations2024-11-27T13:11:25-07:00

Is a Passive Solar Greenhouse Right for All Climates?

Being in Colorado, we often think of passive solar greenhouses as great structures for growing in high altitude cold seasonal climate environments. After all, a good passive solar greenhouse, like the ones designed by our partners at Ceres Greenhouse Solutions in Boulder, is an excellent way to grow year round with fewer energy resources […]

Is a Passive Solar Greenhouse Right for All Climates?2024-11-26T12:04:53-07:00
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